Friday 23 March 2018


Wondering an easy,efficient and cheapest way to get your song and products on itune, spotify, google play,amazon and more and earn money on sale ? then follow this link I will give to you shortly. I was so impressed with the way my registration and uploading of music,lyrics and art-work was handled and up till date I'm still finding it easy and simple operating with them even though I'm not a computer literate. In fact,I did all my uploadings with my mobile phone by just simply following their instruction. You can check out my profile on digital stores like itune,amazon or spotify....  just search Fidelis C.Dafe

These people with the link I'm about to share did the magic.
So,here's the link DISTROKID.COM they are the best and easiest way to sell your music online and earn as far as I'm concerned till any other site is able to convince me otherwise. Pls don't forget to share your experiences with us on this blog. Don't forget to like and follow our page for more educative updates and posts on important discoveries. ๐Ÿ‘


Love travels faster than the fastest jet and Penetrates places the most powerful missiles can't get to. 

(2)When the VISION seems bigger & greater than your FAITH can carry,the wisest thing to do is spend those energy you would have spent doubting in constructing a STAIRCASE of FAITH to the FLOOR above that of your doubt. You'll be amazed to know that less energy is required to accomplish the task than the one you would have spent doubting.

(3)A blow from a bee is deadly but the taste of HONEY is like a crown to the mouth. 
 (4) The ANGER of A King may deadly but with a smile you can drop a Weapon from the hand of a mighty Warrior

(5) Don't give up on yourself because there are at least three Personalities that hasn't given up on you (i) God (ii) Those who Love you (iii) Those who see you as a mentor. 

(6) The World can be a better place to live in but that depends on what you think, say and do.
(7) Agreed Rome wasn't built in a day but I dare say y it didn't take Eternity to have it fixed either. Yes you can if only you can kick your fears aside. 

(8) Time spent weeping can be spent smiling it's only a matter of choice. 
............. Fidelis C.Dafe.................. 
Follow our blog via email for more of these & many more lovely post & important discoveries. 

Wednesday 7 March 2018


Tired of being told to free up your storage device?I'll teach you how to do that right now without losing any important file.
Let's start by teaching you how to manage your pictures to free up large memory.
Pictures on modern devices most especially the phones occupy large memory like 1mb,1.5,2.5 etc now imagine a phone having 100 pictures of 2.5mb each,that will give you about 250mb.Now do you know you can reduce the space to about 100mb thereby saving about 150mb without losing any important file or picture quality?

(1) Go to your gallery and pick a photo or picture.

(2)Tap on the picture to display options which is most of the time at the top right corner of the screen.

(3)Check for the picture properties or details. This is very important because knowing the details will help you determine whether what I'm teaching you is true or not.
Now let's say you checked and the file size is 2.5mb note it and go back to the options.

(4) Locate crop options and press it. Please not that you can adjust to cut off areas not wanted but I won't advise you to do so because it may make the picture bigger and blurry in some cases even though it may help reduce the file size further.
Press save.

(5)After saving,you will have two pictures the cropped one and the first picture but you will not notice any difference except that the file size of the cropped picture have reduced from Let's say from about 2.5mb to about 1.6mb or so.

(6)Check the details of the cropped picture to note the difference but I assure you there will be no difference but for the smaller file size,then delete the first picture with larger file size to free memory.

Do that for other pictures and note the way your device's memory will increase. Please drop your questions and comments and don't forget to follow our blog for more on how to further free your storage device and other important posts.


Keyboard is very important to us in praising God. Apart from the fact that it makes our praising God easier, We are commanded to praise God with various instruments in psalm150 with string instruments & organ mentioned in vs 4. It is however disappointing that so many people find it difficult to play the keyboard with ease hence we will be taking some series of lessons to get us acquainted with the keyboard even if you don't know anything about the keyboard I assure you that you can be a good keyboard player just be willing to follow some simple instructions. God bless & grant you grace as we kick start this lesson in Jesus name.

(1)GET FAMILIAR WITH THE KEYBOARD:- Anything you are far from will be far from you. Look at the Keyboard,touch or feel it,hear it's sound, not having it at home is not an excuse,your church may have one,go to church early or better still after closing & feel the keyboard.
(2)TELL YOURSELF I CAN LEARN IT:-Keyboards are played by humans & not spirits you can do it if you're are determined.
(4) KNOW YOUR {D:R:M:F:S:L:T:D) you need it as we go deeper & it's very essential in music.

LEARN EASY WAY TO PLAY THE KEYBOARD  As the name suggests it is called KEYBOARD because it's full of different keys so you must get used to the keys & buttons but that's a gradual process. Firstly you must get use to the  ON & OFF button.
(2) KEYS ON THE KEYBOARD:- It's made up of twelve keys which are from A to G. ({1}A, {2}B, {3}C, {4}D, {5}E, {6}F, {7}G... The other 5 (five) keys that made it twelve which are called Sharps (#) eg A# or flats (b) by professionals eg Cb derived from five of these keys.
From the picture above,the first key is Key C I'll tell you how to identify the key but I must let you know that all keyboards must not necessarily start with same key ๐Ÿ— eg key C & that is why it's important we learn how to identify the keys.
๐ŸŽน Some keyboards starts with key F while others start with key D or C as the case may be which may bring us to your big question of (so how do I know what key starts any keyboard?) Very simple.
From picture above,the white keys are labeled C,D,E,F,G,A,B and C', D', E'
Check the arrangement of the black keys that is the sure secret way of identifying our keys.
๐ŸŽนThe arrangement pattern of two blacks and three blacks its for a purpose
There's two black keys in front of Key C while there are three black keys in front of key F. Same pattern continues all over the keyboard.
๐ŸŽนWe're almost there but I'll give you a break to check the keyboard or piano for the arrangement pattern,a little more tip will make you identify any key even when closing your eyes. Pls don't miss next edition & sure way to do that is to like & follow our page for more educative & inspirational posts.

NB:— {'}-simply means Octave or higher note which is 8th note from the original note or key.
Pls feel free to ask your questions.

Tuesday 6 March 2018


We once had a blue glass pulpit in my Parish. It looked beautiful on the alter & so won my admiration until one fateful Sunday morning. A little boy played to the alter & before you could say jack ! the boy & the glass pulpit was on the floor. Thank God the boy didn't sustain any injury but the glass pulpit did which made us remove it from the alter.  somehow, a wooden tithe box was brought to the alter that morning since we needed pulpit for the service. The wooden tithe box  was decorated to serve as pulpit .While we were all shocked at the incident, the following messages & meanings dropped in my heart.

(1)THE GLASS PULPIT WAS PRECIOUS UNTIL IT FELL & BROKE :- Your life will always remain precious as long as you stay where God has placed you.

(2) THE WOODEN TITHE BOX TOOK THE PLACE OF THE BROKEN GLASS PULPIT:- There is always a replacement. work out your salvation with fear & trembling,don't think you're all in all.

(3) THE WOODEN TITHE BOX WAS BEAUTIFIED WHEN IT WAS DECORATED:- God will equip & beatify those who are ready in 2Tim 2:19-21; we weren't told that the vessels of Gold or Silver are the best vessels unto honour but instead, the Scripture said the one who purge himself he will be a vessel unto honour and fit for the master's use.

(4) FIRST TIMERS TO OUR PARISH WILL NEVER KNOW HOW BEAUTIFUL THE GLASS PULPIT HAD ONCE LOOKED ON THE ALTER:- Your service will only be recognized & appreciated when you you don't give up.

(5) THERE'S ALWAYS A LESSON TO BE LEARNT, DON'T LET THE PAINS DEPRIVE YOU THE LESSONS IN EVERY ENCOUNTER:- Yes there was pain of losing the glass pulpit nevertheless, God still passed a message because a heart was tuned to God's spirit in spite of the pains.

As I conclude, I wish to admonish you to take a closer look at your life & walk with God, ARE YOU WHERE YOU OUGHT TO BE ? the place of honour is the position God has placed you. If you are no longer there please ask God for forgiveness and retrace your steps. If you are yet to surrender to God by accepting Jesus as your Lord and Saviour I beg of you to use this golden opportunity to do so by saying these salvation prayers: FATHER, I THANK YOU FOR SAVING ME BY SENDING YOUR SON JESUS TO DIE FOR ME, I BELIEVE AND CONFESS THAT JESUS IS LORD AND I ACCEPT HIM AS MY LORD AND SAVIOUR THANK YOU LORD GOD FOR SAVING ME FROM SIN AND DEATH IN JESUS NAME I PRAY. AMEN
Congratulations if you just said those prayers b'cos you are now saved. Pls locate any Bible believing Church close to you and share your accepting Jesus with the Pastor and elders so they can assist you in building a perfect relationship with God. GOD BLESS.
For more pls email

Saturday 3 March 2018

Fidelis C.Dafe - THANK YOU LORD

Experience another level of worship from this inspirational album THANK YOU LORD by Fidelis C.Dafe featuring some other anointed gospel artists.
Available on CD ๐Ÿ’ฟ and online @ click here to Download

Friday 2 March 2018


Are you troubled by his not thinking of marrying you despite your beauty,faithfulness to him and his claim of loving you so dearly? You are undoubtedly at the right place of solutions because all your curiosity would be addressed by this publications.
       I wish to start by thanking your courage in venturing into a relationship,your Faithfulness and love and I assure you they are not out of place. I know you would push the big question THEN WHY HAS HE NOT MADE ME HIS WIFE? Again your questions are righly asked knowing full well that age is not on your side and your relationship with him which you thought would have resulted to marriage by now is keeping other suitors away. Don't worry all of that would addressed  and you would be getting anwser soon. 
The dream of every woman in serious relationship is to have it turned into a peaceful and enjoyable marriage and it's frustrating when the man who should take the responsibilities of making the woman his wife is not thinking of doing the things required in making the woman his wife despite the display of love. Some men wave it off with the reason of I'M NOT READY YET, while some others don't even want to talk about it and any attempt to bring up the issue would spoil their whole day,weeks,or months. The most frustrating aspect of it is that way he treats you really shows he loves you but why he has not made you his wife is still very confusing. You would have quit the relationship but the fear of losing his love and the thought of he will soon do the needful has kept you back. Relax your nerves b'cos all you need is just simple instructions and you will be smiling as your need would be meet by your dream man.

lets quickly start by checking if few things are properly put in place 

(1) A QUICK CHECK ON YOURSELF:- This should help you determine if your attitude and characters are what any wife to be lady should possess. To help you do that correctly please put yourself in the position of the man and ask yourself, IS THIS WOMAN A WIFE MATERIAL ? your true and sincere answer to the above questions should tell you if the fault is on your side or his. 

Again this will help you determine his character and attitudes, ARE THEY WANT A MAN SHOULD POSSESS FOR MARRIAGE ? 
your answer to that will determine whether he deserves a great woman like you to be with him or not. 

This is where the problem may likely be if 1 & 2 Checks shows every thing is alright. 
ARE YOU PLAYING THE ROLE OF A WIFE ALREADY ? One of the greatest mistakes a single lady can ever make is to play the role of a wife outside marriage. What you need do is play the role of a POTENTIAL WIFE and not the role of a wife.
If you always give to him what a wife should be giving then he'll be looking and treating you like a wife unknowingly and therefore wouldn't see any need disturbing himself about marriage. But no matter how he treats you,the truth still remains that you're not married.

Learning and knowing how to politely deny him the duties of a wife by letting him know you are eagerly waiting to perform those roles because you love him but you can't do that now because he hasn't married you legally would make him run crazy and would want to do his possible best to have you as wife.
Make him know you you'd love  to, or can't wait to carry his baby, satisfy him and more but you can't do that until you're married.

WARNING: Be sure you are of good character and behaviors,any responsible man would do all he can to get a responsible woman as a wife. If he still doesn't give a damn  after all these tips then please run for your freedom and liberty.

I hope this article has given some solutions to your challenges?
Please drop your questions and comments and don't forget to subscribe to our blog for more educating posts.
Wish you successful relationships/marriage.

Thursday 1 March 2018


Experience God's divine presence as you glorify him with great inspirational songs from this great Album tagged YOU REIGN FOREVER by this anointed man of God and great gospel minister FRED EDWARD.
Available on CD ๐Ÿ’ฟ and online @
Click here to Download