Wednesday, 7 March 2018


Tired of being told to free up your storage device?I'll teach you how to do that right now without losing any important file.
Let's start by teaching you how to manage your pictures to free up large memory.
Pictures on modern devices most especially the phones occupy large memory like 1mb,1.5,2.5 etc now imagine a phone having 100 pictures of 2.5mb each,that will give you about 250mb.Now do you know you can reduce the space to about 100mb thereby saving about 150mb without losing any important file or picture quality?

(1) Go to your gallery and pick a photo or picture.

(2)Tap on the picture to display options which is most of the time at the top right corner of the screen.

(3)Check for the picture properties or details. This is very important because knowing the details will help you determine whether what I'm teaching you is true or not.
Now let's say you checked and the file size is 2.5mb note it and go back to the options.

(4) Locate crop options and press it. Please not that you can adjust to cut off areas not wanted but I won't advise you to do so because it may make the picture bigger and blurry in some cases even though it may help reduce the file size further.
Press save.

(5)After saving,you will have two pictures the cropped one and the first picture but you will not notice any difference except that the file size of the cropped picture have reduced from Let's say from about 2.5mb to about 1.6mb or so.

(6)Check the details of the cropped picture to note the difference but I assure you there will be no difference but for the smaller file size,then delete the first picture with larger file size to free memory.

Do that for other pictures and note the way your device's memory will increase. Please drop your questions and comments and don't forget to follow our blog for more on how to further free your storage device and other important posts.

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